Third Day » Business Event for Young Scientists "Challenge Accepted: Ensuring Touristic, Economic and Technological Sovereignty of the Russian Federation"

Business Event for Young Scientists "Challenge Accepted: Ensuring Touristic, Economic and Technological Sovereignty of the Russian Federation"

November 1, 2023 (Wednesday), 12.00–16.00

Organizers: ICSER Leontief Centre, Institute for Regional Economic Studies Ras (IRES RAS), St. Petersburg State Institution “External Transport Agency”, Green Mobility International Partnership Initiative, Skolkovo Foundation.




The field session of the Youth Platform of the XXI Strategic Forum will be held in the format of a business breakfast for young scientists. The external geopolitical situation puts before the Russian Federation the need to solve a number of tasks, among which the development of science is one of the key ones. Russian scientists of the 20th-21st centuries have created a solid foundation of technological and socio-humanitarian sovereignty. The task of young scientists is to accept the challenge and provide future generations with a stable and happy future. The Young Scientists’ Breakfast will bring together talented researchers from different fields of science to discuss the challenges they face.

The business breakfast will be opened by a solemn summing up of the results of the business game in the format of the accelerator of sustainable development projects "GAME OF GOALS", in a course of which, for over a year, teams have been designing an electric unmanned urban water transport.



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ВНИМАНИЕ! XXII Общероссийский форум «Стратегическое планирование в регионах и городах России» состоится в Санкт‑Петербурге 10-11 октября 2024 года. Программа и форма для регистрации размещены на сайте XXII Общероссийского форума:

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21.11.2023 : A photo report from the Strategic Forum has been posted

All photos are available for download

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