Конференция RSA

Regional Studies Association Conference 2018 «Urban and Regional Resilience: Strategies for Success»

Конференция RSA пройдет в основные дни работы Форума 22-23 октября.
Рабочий язык конференции - английский.
Посещение конференции доступно для зарегистрированных участников Форума.

The 2018 RSA Russian conference is an academic conference which offers a unique opportunity for meaningful knowledge exchange between the worlds of academia, policy and practice and which offers unparalleled access to key figures in our fields.

This conference will bring together researchers and practitioners from different countries interested in urban and regional development, new development path creation, and urban and regional resilience.

The notion of urban resilience cuts across the debates in theory and practice. At the theoretical level, it has allowed linking of debates in regional geography, urban planning, and policy studies. At the practical level, policy-makers are concerned with issues of implementation and the gap between policy design and delivery. Current debates are dominated by structural factors and explanations, but the role of agency and leadership is rising up the research agenda in regional studies, political science and management. 

Book of abstracts


Conference Program Committee



Daniela Carl, Regional Studies Association (United Kingdom)
Regional Studies Association. The global forum for interdisciplinary urban and regional research, development and policy 
Iván Tosics, Metropolitan Research Institute (Hungary)
The metropolitan challenge in European urban areas
Evgeniya Kolomak, Institute of Economics and IE SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University (Russia)
Spatial development of contemporary Russia
Lukáš Melecký, Department of European Integration Faculty of Economics, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic)
Evaluation of disparities between metropolitan and peripheral regions: comparison at the EU NUTS 2 level
Andrey Pushkarev, Hans Wiesmeth, Laboratory for International and Regional Economics at GSEM UrFU (Russia)
Innovativeness and Income Inequality in Russian Regions
Leonid Limonov, Marina Nesena, ICSER “Leontief Centre”, NRU HSE – St. Petersburg (Russia)
Evaluation of social and economic inequalities of large and small cities of the Russian Federation
Michaela Stanícková, Department of European Integration Faculty of Economics, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic)
Socio-economic resilience of the EU NUTS 2 regions: Comparison of the geographic models of the European economy
Takashi Yamamoto, Department of Economics, Takushoku University (Japan)
Enhancing Economic Resilience by Promoting SMEs for Shrinking Cities
Elnazir Ramadan, Noura Al Nasiri, Urban and Regional Planning Geography Department, Sultan Qaboos University (Oman)
Participatory planning in Oman: The role and development of municipal council
Dmitry Gladyrev, GSEM, Ural Federal University (Russia)
Political parties and their candidates 
Krystyna Dzwonkowska-Godula, Agnieszka Michalska-Zyla, Malgorzata Marks-Krzyszkowska, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz (Poland)
Intra-regional diversification of the quality of life in rural communes in Poland. On the example of Lodzkie region
Nadir Kinossian, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (Germany)
Agents of change in peripheral regions: A new research agenda
Alexander Semenov, St. Petersburg Foundation for Investment Projects (Russia)
Cultural Heritage As a Resource for Urban Resilience in Small Historic Cities of Russia
Dwi Ratih S. Esti, Flinders University (Australia)
Better Evaluations, Better Regions
Maria Podkorytova, Institute of Design and Urban Studies, ITMO University (Russia)
The interurban networks in the FSU space: diversity and restructuring 
Konstantin Kholodilin, German Institute for Economic Research (Germany)
City centre of St. Petersburg between 1869 and 2017
Elizaveta Kolchinskaya, Leonid Limonov, ICSER “Leontief Centre”, NRU HSE – St. Petersburg (Russia)
Comparative Analysis of Russian Cluster Policy

Tatyana Polidi, Institute for urban economics (Russia)
Economic development and economic structure of the major Russian metropolitan areas

Irina Turgel, Elizabeth Ulyanova, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Ural Federal University (Russia)
Largest regional capitals as leaders among Russia secondary-tier cities

Oleg Golubchikov, Cardiff University (United Kingdom)
Irina Ilina, NRU HSE (Russia)

Moscow’s renovatsiya: a (re)turn to state urbanism?

Stepan Zemtsov, Vera Barinova, Centre for Entrepreneurship Research, RANEPA (Russia)
Inclusive (sustainable) growth and regional resilience in Russia


More information about the conference http://www.regionalstudies.org/conferences/conference/urban-and-regional-resilience-strategies-for-success.


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