The geopolitical situation in 2022 has changed the traditional way of the Russian foreign economy: foreign partners are changing, familiar markets are closing, while new ones are appearing, logistics corridors are being rebuilt. For some regions of Russia, these changes bring "easy" dividends. For others, historically focused on the Western market, it is an economic shock. And for everyone together, this is a reason to build your export strategy according to the new rules. What is the new export model for the regions of Russia and how to unlock the export potential - new markets, new products, new routes?
Questions for discussion:
– What are the risks for export-oriented regions from changes in the global economy?
– Will non-commodity exports remain a source of economic growth or will the domestic market take over?
– How to build an export strategy in the conditions of the “new” logistics?
Organizers: Organizers: Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activities of the Leningrad Region, Agency for Transformation and Economic Development, JSC Russian Export Center
Any registered Forum participant can leave proposals for inclusion in draft Forum recommendations (upper right button Proposal).
Yalov Dmitriy, Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity of Leningrad Region. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Leningrad region-Chairman of the Committee for economic development and investment activities
Petrov Aleksej, ANO "Directorate of International Transport Corridors". adviser to General Director
Ilatovskiy Denis, "DELO" GROUP OF COMPANIES. Senior Vice President
Konosh Olga, Russian Export Center JSC. Project Manager, Relations with Exporters
Zaytsev Evgeniy, FSBI "Agroexport". Head of analytical department
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