Control (supervisory) activity is one of the important elements in the public administration system. The effectiveness of the implementation of their powers by the regulatory authorities directly affects the “well-being” of business in the regions. At the same time, there are no strategic documents in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that fix the focus of the work of control (supervisory) bodies and allow defining targets in the interaction of controllers with business.
Organizers: Center for Strategic Research Foundation
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Krjazheva Natalja, Ministry of Economic Development of the Kirov Region. Ministry of economic development of the Kirov region
Korostelev Dmitrij, Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka territory. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Krai Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Krai - Chairman of the Standing Committee on Budget, tax, Economic policy, property and entrepreneurship
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