
Final MSC-2023. Part 2
Best Action Plan for Strategy Implementation


The Municipal Strategy Contest (MSC-2023) is held in order to identify and disseminate successful experience in the application of various formats of Action Plans for the implementation of the strategy for the socio-economic development of the municipality, as well as to identify innovations and effective solutions to problems at the municipal level. The focus of MSC -2023 is on managing the implementation of the strategy with the help of documents fixing specific actions aimed at achieving the goals stated in the strategy

Organizers: State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government, Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, All-Russian Association for the Development of Local Self-Government, All-Russian Congress of Municipalities, Union of Russian Cities, ICSER Leontief Center

Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept:

Any registered Forum participant can leave proposals for inclusion in draft Forum recommendations (upper right button Proposal).


Palij Andrej, Administration of the municipality Timashevsky district. Head of the municipality Timashevsky district

Gajnjuchenko Stanislav, Administration of the municipal formation Ust-Labinsk district. Head of the municipal formation Ust-Labinsk district

Bojko Sergej, Administration of the Tuapse district municipality. Head of the municipality of Tuapse district

Trubetskoy Andrey, Administration of Surgut District. Head of the Surgut district

Guzev Ilya, Administration of the Kushchevsky district municipality. Head of the municipality of Kushchevsky district

Afanasiev Maksim, Administration of the city of Tobolsk executive and administrative body of local self-government. Head of the city of Tobolsk

Mazo Vladimir, Administration of the Usmansky municipal district of the Lipetsk region. Head of the Administration of the Usmansky Municipal District of the Lipetsk region

Shumilova Galina, Financial and Economic Management of the Sokolsky Municipal District of the Vologda region. Deputy Head of the district, Head of the Financial and Economic Department of the Sokolsky Municipal District

Kravchenko Andrej, municipal formation citu of Novorossiysk. Head of the municipal formation citu of Novorossiysk


If you want to leave proposals for inclusion in draft recommendations, fill in the fields below.


Zhikharevich Boris ICSER Leontief Centre. Director of the Resource Centre for Strategic Planning

State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government

Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation

All-Russian Association for the Development of Local Self-Government

All-Russian Congress of Municipalities

Union of Russian Cities

ICSER Leontief Centre

XXI All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders ©