The advanced development of the infrastructure of the territories is the most important condition for increasing business, investment activity, and creating jobs. Effective intersectoral interaction should include such key links as communities - business - municipality - state - expert and scientific community. At the same time, at the center of this chain is the municipality, which should act as the main actor in the development of its territory. This issue should be given special attention, since the solution of this problem is aimed primarily at ensuring favorable conditions for the life of citizens, and, as a result, at saving the people, at supporting motherhood and families, especially large families, at preserving and developing human potential, local communities. Part of the discussion will be devoted to the interaction between government and business: how, through the joint efforts of business and local and regional authorities, you can create a favorable environment for life, eliminate the main socio-economic imbalances. What business can and should do in the territory of presence, and how local governments and regional authorities should take into account the prospects for business development in their strategies.
Organizers: State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government, Union of Russian Cities, Branch of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences on Federal Structure, Local Self-Government and Local Communities, Center for Strategic Research Foundation, ASI
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Neverov Sergej, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Fadina Oksana, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government
Komkova Mariia, Агентство стратегических инициатив по продвижению новых проектов. Urban economy
Untilova Irina, Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka territory. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory
Goncharenko Tatiana, RUSAL. head of project management
Brizhatyj Vitalij, Administration of the closed administrative-territorial formation of the Tsiolkovsky city district. Chapter BUT Tsiolkovsky
Ignatyeva Alexandra, Union of Russian Cities. General Director of the Union of Russian Cities, Head of the municipal district Textilshchiki in Moscow
Karavaeva Tatiana, CSR. Deputy General Director
Kondykova Julija, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Expert of the Department of Rural Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Kolgin Dmitrij, Administration of the municipal formation "Sursky district". Head of Administration of the Municipal Formation "Sursky District"
Trubetskoy Andrey, Administration of Surgut District. Head of the Surgut district
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