One of the most conceptually significant events of the Strategic Forum was the expert discussion “Is it possible to rank regional strategies?” organized by the Government of St. Petersburg.
During the discussion, heads of regional structures responsible for strategic planning from the Amur, Vologda and Lipetsk regions spoke about the development strategies of their regions, and experts, using the example of these strategies, discussed how they could be assessed.
Summing up the discussion, session moderator Boris Zhikharevich, director of the Resource Center for Strategic Planning at the Leontief Center, demonstrated the results of an expert survey, in which those present were able to participate during the meeting. Respondents were asked to select 10 of the 22 qualities of the strategy text that were most important in the current conditions. More than 50% of the votes received the following six qualities (in descending order): 1. Adequacy – compliance with the specifics of the region. 2. Quality of strategic analysis. 3. Compliance with national goals, presidential decrees, and federal documents. 4. Systematic / methodical / harmonious logic. 5. Realism in taking into account resource limitations and objective processes. 6. Clarity of priorities.
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